Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blog in teaching

I would use my blog in teaching to update parents on what we were doing in class and to share what the homework is. I don't think I would have a comment section, because it would be faster for me to reply through email. This way parents can stay up to date on what their child needs to get done or what they need for class. Also students will be able to make sure they get all of there homework done. I might also add pictures of things we are doing in class.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Grade Levels of interest:
I am interested in teaching grades K-3 because I like the energy that they have. I also think that it is important at this age to get them excited about learning because their attitude they develop now will follow them throughout their education. 

What subjects am I interested in?
I really enjoy teaching math because I also enjoyed it. I think there are a lot of fun ways to kids explore with it and learn in different ways. I also enjoy teaching and reading and writing, again because I enjoy it. I think getting them excited about reading and teaching them different techniques to improve will greatly affect their education. That goes for writing as well, it is a skill that is needed throughout your life.

Why do I want to be a teacher?
I want to be a teacher because I think it is the most important job. You are helping to form someone into the person that they are going to be. They need support and encouragement. I had amazing teachers throughout elementary school that really shaped my feelings on education, which is a big part of why I want to be a teacher. I also  really enjoy being around kids and helping them grow and understand things that they did not before. I think teaching is a great job and I can't wait to start!